Change a life today

“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”

1 John 3:17-18

Thank you for considering making a donation to Pool of Bethesda. Our mission and ministries would not be possible without the generosity and compassion of our volunteers and donors. By joining Pool of Bethseda, you commit to transforming the poor communities in Haiti materially and spiritually for the glory of God. Your gift allows us to fund our vital work in combating homelessness in Haiti, empowering rural women in Haiti, and fighting malnutrition in kids. And when combined with those of other donors, your gift becomes a powerful means to serve the poorest of the poor to break the cycle of poverty and advance the word of God.

How can I donate

We accept gifts of all kinds with gratitude. However, the most effective way you can make a difference right now is by making a donation by going or sending a check payable to:

Pool of Bethesda Ministries

116 Hill St # 7
Stoneham 02180

Online donations can be made as a one-time giving. Simply select the amount you wish to contribute or select another to make a custom donation, and that’s it.

How we use our donations

At Pool of Bethseda, we meticulously honor the intent of our donors. All the proceeds we receive are directed to the specific project they were raised for. In certain instances, we might receive a surplus in funds, which in this case, the additional fund will be used to meet the most urgent needs. We guarantee that your contributions and grants will be spent diligently to provide for the people of Haiti.

We cannot do this without you! Make a donation today!





$523.00 donated of $50,000.00 goal


